Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Running... Out of Time

Do you ever feel like there is just not enough time in the day? Yeah... me too. I always have the best of intentions with my trusty planner and to-do lists, but I never seem to be able to finish. I sometimes (ok, always) get down on myself because I feel like others are doing all of these things and much more. You know that you've felt that too... Instagram and Facebook are full of the positive things that we've done lately... but truth is that most of those people are just like me. Their to-do lists are never complete, they missed something on their schedule, they didn't get to go run today, they are still trying to get through that one book that everyone is raving about, etc. This is my reminder that I can't compare my to-do lists with others and I can't be mad at myself for having this perception that everyone else has it altogether. It is just that... a PERCEPTION. I will continue to run (or juggle) my race of work, grad school, half marathon training, organizing, meal-prepping, and not let those perceptions get me down. One day, I will get through this never ending to-do list and one day I just might have it altogether.. for now though I am running. Running out of time.